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Why Your Video Content Isn't Working For You.

To be quite honest, I don’t have a definite answer for this. But if you’d like to hear some strong opinions about why your video isn’t getting the kind of ROI you wanted, then keep reading.

There’s a lot of expectations when a company hires a video production and/or video marketing company to produce a solid video for them. Especially when there’s a high price tag involved. On average, a company will spend anywhere from $3500 up to $20,000 on some sort of professional, video piece for their business. This could be things like: case studies, branded video content, online ad, training video, etc. And I get it, there should be high expectations when spending a large chunk of change - especially when you’re a small business. For me, I like to hear the expectations from the start with any of our clients. Sometimes it’s, “We just need something that makes us look professional.” Or “We need solid video content to help our SEO.” Things like that are fairly simple and to the point. It’s when I hear someone expecting an all magical video to suddenly double their business - that’s when I’m a little weary.

Most people are realistic, but I know how easy it is to see something online that has gone “viral” so to speak, and think, “well all I need to do it have a funny video like that guy.” I wish it was that simple, but it ain’t. (I’m southern)

So what can you do? Well for starters ask yourself a few questions. Does the video have a purpose? Is it targeting a specific demographic? What platforms are you planning on using it? You see certain videos work better in certain places. For example, let’s say you own a facial cream product used primarily for middle aged woman, and you’re looking to connect with that audience. You realize that more and more people are looking for “authentic” content, something they can relate to or pulls out an emotion. So you end up producing a branded video with stories of real women and their struggle with feeling beautiful because of oily or dry skin. This piece has real stories with real women that really pulls at the heart strings so to speak. Well, the perfect place to advertise and showcase this video content would be Facebook. Because we know that middle-aged women are typically seeing and sharing this kind of content on this platform. They’re not going to your site to watch it, they’re not going to youtube to watch (although a fine place to host it) They’re not finding it on google. Do you see what I’m getting at?

Another example could be - you’re a commercial real estate broker and you just created a video business card that allow’s you to introduce yourself in a unique way to other business owners in your area. So where’s the best place to advertise to business owners? LinkedIn of course! LinkedIn is probably the best platform for B2B type content to be shared.

I see the biggest problem when a business owner creates a video is they kind of “put it out there” hoping that someone will find it and see it. Just like their website - it’s the “if you build it, they will come” mentality. Unfortunately, it just doesn’t work that way. You have got to keep pushing it and possibly test it on different platforms to see what works best for your content.

If you’re working with a video marketing team already, they should be able to lead to the best platforms for your video to be advertised. If you’re in Atlanta or the surrounding area and looking for video production or video marketing help, we’d be glad to answer any questions and assist you in any way we can!


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